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One of HORIZON's essential planning tools used to create your friendly landscape is our plant and tree catalog. Mike Mason, our designer, will help you sort through our large product selection to find plants that will complement each other, creating an artful layout design. Our plant catalog contains spring, summer and winter images to educate you about the many seasonal looks your selections will become. We will assist you in choosing plants that will thrive whatever the needs of your garden location, including sun exposure, soil conditions, and other considerations, critical to assuring long-term success.

Arborvitae Emerald Green

Arborvitae Emerald Green Spiral 7ft

Arborvitae Emerald Green Spiral 6ft

Arborvitae Emerald Green Spiral 5ft

Arborvutae - Green Giant
River Birch
Birch- River (Winter)

Birch - River (Spring)

Boxwood - English

Boxwood - Green Mountain

Boxwood - Wintergreen

Cedar - Weeping Blue Atlas

Cedar - Weeping Blue Atlas

Cherry - Kwanza

Cherry - Kwanzan (Spring)

Cherry - Kwanzan (Summer)

Cherry - Snow Goose Winter

Cherry - Snow Goose Spring

Cherry - Snow Goose (Summer)

Cherry - Weeping

Cherry - Weeping (Spring)

Cherry - Weeping Summer

Cherry - Yoshino (Winter)

Cherry - Yoshino Spring

Cherry - Yoshino Summer

Crape Myrtle Winter

Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtle Summer


Cypress - Dwarf Hinoki

Cypress - Dwarf Hinoki

Cypress Dwarf Hinoki

Cypress Gracilis Hinoki

Cypress Dwarf Hinoki Gracilis

Cypress Dwarf Hinoki Sunspray

Cypress Sunspray

Cypress Sunspray

Cypress Temepof

Cypress Leyland

Cypress Leyland Trimmed

Cypress 5-ft Pom Pom Boulevard Cypress

Cypress Pompom

Dogwood Pink


Dogwood Korean

Dogwood Korean

Dogwood Pink

Dogwood Pink

Dogwood Stellarpink

Dogwood White

Holly Foster

Holly Marynell

Holly Nellie Stevens

Holly Japanese Steeds

Juniper Hollywood

Jun 16 Year Old Hollywood Juniper

Juniper Spartan

Magnolia Jane

Magnolia Jane

Magnolia Jane

Maple Bloodgood

Blood Good Maple

Maple Bloodgood

Maple Bloodgood

Maple Coralbark Maple

Maple Coral Bark

Maple Laceleaf Winter

Maple Laceleaf

Maple Laceleaf Crimson Queen

Maple Laceleaf Filigree

Maple Laceleaf Garnet

Maple Orangeola Maple

Maple Laceleaf Redselect

Pieris Varigated Pieris Japonica

Pine Slowmound Mugho

Redbud Winter



Spruce Blue

Spruce Dwarf Alberta

Spruce Dwarf Alberta Spiral

Spruce Globosa

Spruce Globosa Blue Spruce

Spruce Little Gem Norway

Spruce Norway

Spruce Norway Weeping

Spruce Norway Globosa


Azalea Carror

Azalea Carror

Azalea Christmas Cheer

Azalea Christmas Cheer

Azalea Coral Bell (Winter)

Azalea Coral Bell (Winter)

Azalea Coral Bell

Azalea Coralbell

Azalea Delaware

Azalea Delaware

Azalea Delaware

Azalea Delawarevalley

Azalea Elsie Lee

Azalea Elsie Lee

Azalea Fashion

Azalea Fashion

Azalea Girards Hot Shot

Azalea GirardHotshot

Azalea Girards Pleasant White

Azalea Gurard's Pleasant White

Azalea Girard's Rose

Azalea Girards Rose

Azalea Glory

Azalea Glory Pink

Azalea Gumpo Pink

Azalea Gumpo Pink

Azalea Gumpo White

Azalea Gumpowhite

Azalea Herbert

Azalea Herbert

Azalea Hersey

Azalea Hershey Red

Azalea Hexe

Azalea Hexe

Azalea Hhume

Azalea Hh Hume

Azalea Hino Crimson

Azalea Hino Crimson

Azalea Hino Degiri

Azalea Hino Degiri

Azalea Karen 1

Azalea Karen

Azalea Laura4

Azalea Laura

Azalea Madame Butterfly

Azalea Madamebutterfly

Azalea Massoit

Azalea Massasoit

Azalea Pink Pearl

Azalea Pink Pearl

Azalea Pink Ruffle

Azalea Pinkruffles

Azalea Purple Slendor

Azalea Purple Spendor

Azalea Salmon Beauty

Azalea Salmon Beauty

Azalea Snow

Azalea Snow Spring

Azalea Sunglow

Azalea Sunglow

Azalea Tradition

Azalea Tradition

Azalea Wakaebisu

Azalea Wakaebisu

Azalea Wakaebisu

Azalea Exbury Azalea

Azalea Exbury Frillylemon

Azalea Exbury Gibraltar

Azalea Exbury Homebush

Azalea Exbury Janeabbott

Azalea Exbury Mandarinlights

Azalea Exbury Northern highlights

Abelia Original

Abelia Little Richard

Arborvitae Hetzi Midget

Arborvitae Rheingold Winter

Arborvitae Rheingold Spring

Arborvitae Rheingold Summer
Arborvitae Rheingold Fall

Arborvitae Tom Thumb

Aucuba Dold Dust Aucuba Japonicab

Barberry Crimson Pigmy Winter

Barberry Crimson Pygmy

Barberry Royal

Barberry Royal

Butterfly Bush

Butterfly Bush Yellow

Butterflybush Black Knight

Caryopteris First Choice Winter

Caryopteris Firstchoice

Cypress Boulevard

Cypress Gold Thread

Cypress Lemon Thread

Cypress Red Star Cypress

Cypress Red Star Spring

Euonymus Golden

Euonymus Silver King

Holly Bluegirl

Holly Blue Princess Holly

Holly Carissa

Holly China Girl Holly

Holly Compacta Holly

Holly Dwarf Burford Holly

Holly Helleri

Holly Needlepoint Holly

Holly Sky Pencil

Holly Soft Touch

Hydrangea Original

Hydrangea Glowing Embers

Hydrangea Nikko Blue

Hydrangea Variegated

Jun Blue Pacific Juniper

Juniper Blue Rug

Juniper Blue Star (Winter)

Juniper Blue Star (Spring)

Jun Procumban Juniper

Jun Sargent Juniper

Laurel Otto Luyken

Laurel Skip4

Mahonia Bealei

Nandina Domestica

Nandina Domestica Spring

Nandina Firepower Winter

Nandina Firepower Winter

Nandina Fire Power Spring

Nandina Gulfstream

Nandina Gulfstream

Nandina Harbour Dwarf

Nandina Harbor Dwarf

Nandina San Jose Nandina

Nandina San Jose


Pieris Japonica Browers Beauty Fall

Pieris Japonica Browers Beauty

Peiris Japonica - Compacta Spring

Pieris Japonica Compacta Spring

Pieris Japonica - Dorothy Wycoff (Winter)

Pieris Japonica Dorothy Wycoff (Spring)

Pieris Japonica Flaming Silver Fall

Pieris Japonica Flaming Silver

Pieris Japonica Flamingo Pink Fall

Pieris Japonica Flamingo Pink Spring

Pieris Japonica Valley Rose Fall

Pieris Japonica Valley Rose Spring

Chionoides Rhododendron

Rhododendron Chiodoides

Rhododenron Maximus

Rhododendron Maximum

Rhod Pjm Rhododendron

Rhododendron Pjm

Rosuem Elegans Rhododendron

Rhododendron Roseum Elegans


Spiraea Goldmound

Spiraea Princess Winter

Spiraea Little Princess


Vibernum Cayuga

Vibernum - Shasta


Yew Densiformis Yew

Yew English

Yew Hatfield

Yucca Colorguard Yucca

Yucca Colorguard Yucca

Yucca Filamentosa Fall06 Orginal



Tulipa Golden Present

Tulipa Inzell

Tulipa Negrita

Tulipa Redpresent

Astilbe Bridal Veil

Astilbe Bridal Veil

Astilbe Granat

Astilbe Granat

Astilbe Peach Blossom

Astilbe Peach Blossom

Astilbe Pumila

Astilbe Pumila

Astilbe - Fall Decline Appearance

Daisy Montuak

Daisy Montuak

Daisy Montuak

Daisy Montauk

Daisy Shasta

Daisy Shasta

Daylilly Stelladora


Dianthus Baths Pink

Dianthus Firewitch

Fern Christmas

Fern Christmas

Hosta Little Blue
Hosta Golden Tiara

Hosta Green

Hosta Patriot


Hosta - Flower

Hosta - Flower

Liriope Big Blue

Liriope Bigblue

Liriope Monroe White

Liriope Monoe White

Lirope Varigated Lirope Fall06 Final

Liriope Variegated

Scaboisa Butterfly Blue

Scabiosa Butterfly Blue

Sedum Autumn Joy